Terrific discussion on strength of democratic–i.e., decentralized organization of society–by evaluating efficiencies of decentralized, nonhierarchical behavior of plants, insects, bacteria, and even digital worlds. More will be coming as I finish this wonderful book.
I am very curious about new and interesting ideas on how best we humans can live together harmoniously. Perhaps oddly, this often leads me to dystopian literature.
(B)__Example Enlightenment Topic
(B)__Example Romantic Topic
(S)__Jaron Lanier’s Views on Our Digital Economy
The blog entry below is my first, so a little context may help readers to understand my goal with this essay. I took a digital culture class and was tasked with submitting a creative project which would explore a specific topic under the broad heading of digital culture in conversation with readings we had discussed over the term. I decided to use the opportunity to create a blog— which I had long planned on doing—for the creative portion of my assignment, and for the critical portion I chose to read Jaron Lanier’s Who Own’s The Future? which engaged richly with the many other digital scholars we’d read in class.